New Holland Tractors for Sale in Kenya

New Holland NH70-56 Tractor 2021 Model
New Holland NH70-56 Tractor 2021 Model

New Holland tractors are quite popular among farmers, especially in American farmlands. This tractor brand is rated as one of the top five tractor brands in the United States as well as in Australia. But the question is, is it really reliable?

A “good” tractor comes down to the preference of a buyer and what he is looking for. When tractors are utilized mindfully and maintained properly, then most tractors turn out to be highly reliable. The value of a tractor is proportionate to its intended uses. The tractor dealers in an area make a difference as well. New Holland tractor dealers in Kenya are well-known and reliable due to their expert knowledge and decades’ worth of experience in the field. With their guidance, Kenyan farmers can choose a brand new or a second-hand New Holland tractor of their liking according to the size of their farms and their particular needs.

Why New Holland Tractor is the perfect choice for your farms

New Holland tractors have a commendable history in the field of agriculture as they have been around since 1865. The company builds sturdy tractors that have proven their durability over the years. Its unique tractor technology and versatility make it more productive when compared to several other tractor brands. Therefore, it is safe to say that it is a reliable tractor brand.

New Holland tractors are easy to operate and come in a vast product range. It has over 300 models to choose from. Kenyan farmers can buy its compact versions to mechanize their small size farms.

The New Hollands tractor engines feature sustainable technology and reduced emission systems. Another thing to note is that New Holland has a global support network that ensures 24/7 assistance and expert advice for its customers around the world. African farmers can take advantage of its tailored financing options offered by local tractor dealers for maximum affordability.

Kenyan agriculture and the use of tractors

Agriculture is Kenya’s dominant economic sector as it employs 40% of the country’s overall labor. It is the world’s largest black tea exporter. However, most of its land is underdeveloped, owing to poor incentives and a lack of infrastructure, leading to low productivity. Implementation of the latest technology and awareness can spur growth in the sector.

Kenyan farmers are lagging behind due to their old and conventional ways of farming. While the country’s commercial farms rely on modern methods of farming, its smallholder farms are stuck with lower outputs and pest infestations. Making investments in agricultural equipment is the need of the hour for Kenyan farmers. With guaranteed returns on agriculture, the use of the latest technology such as tractors and farm implements can change the lives of several Kenyan farmers for the better.

Invest in a New Holland tractors in Kenya to double your outputs

New Holland tractors in Kenya along with various farm implements can be used to perform basic farming tasks without any delays or wastage of crops. Post-harvest losses can also be avoided through the use of relevant farm equipment.

To get a hold of a brand new or a second-hand New Holland tractor, one must get in touch with verified tractor dealers in Kenya, who will turn your dream of farm mechanization into a tangible reality.

Why Buy a Tractor in Agriculture Field

Massey Ferguson Tractors with farm implements

Tractors are considered a necessity in agriculture and have been providing services in farms since decades. Tractors have mechanised agriculture and perform a wide variety of tasks like ploughing, harvesting, field maintenance, spreading fertiliser, routine lawn care, etc.

Massey Ferguson Tractors with farm implements

Use of Agricultural Tractors

Both small farms, as well as large scale farms, can benefit from the use of agricultural tractors. Tractors come in a versatile horsepower range. Farmers can choose from a wide variety of compact, subcompact, utility or high horsepower tractors according to their specific needs. The tractors available in ranges of 15 hp to 40 hp are used for harvesting, ploughing and other heavy-duty tasks. Whereas, the smaller and compact versions are suitable for gardening and mowing tasks.

On the other hand, the diesel or utility tractors are suited for complex farming tasks with horsepower ranging from 45 hp to 110 hp. Farm implements are mounted to diesel tractors to get various jobs done.

The Massey Ferguson tractors are a durable and versatile option as they are equipped to perform several simples to complex tasks on a daily basis. Fuel efficiency is also a plus.

Durability and Strength of Brand New Tractors

Farmers can benefit from the use of tractors, especially in tough farming tasks. Running over rough terrains is not challenging anymore, thanks to brand new tractors of extra strength and durability. Their powerful engines are designed to run over rough and uneven land as well as haul heavy loads with ease. Power steering and special shift controls have simplified farm operations to quite an extent.

Modern tractors like the Massey Ferguson and New Holland tractors are prone to less wear and tear over the years as compared to their predecessors.

An integral part of Modern Farming

The term “modern agriculture” simply does not sit well without the mention of tractors.

Tractors are an integral part of agriculture as they raise productivity and yields significantly. According to modern farmers, best farming is only possible with the help of agricultural tractors.

Tractors are a substitute for labour as they provide the machine power for farming tasks. Routine maintenance, as well as complex farming tasks such as cultivation, ploughing and harvesting, are now done quickly with the use of tractors.

An asset for agro-based economies

Agricultural economies rely on the use of tractors and various farm implements in order to flourish. The use of tractors has improved overall farming, leading to higher yields. Several countries have been able to achieve self-sustenance and food security through a tremendous increase in their production due to tractors. Due to their remarkable role in farming, tractors are a must-have product that can easily be purchased from any local tractor dealer in your country. The Massey Ferguson tractors and the New Holland tractors are reliable brands in the agriculture field and can be found at any tractor company in your region. Get your hands on your brand new tractor now and improve your farming without wasting any more time.

What is the best tractor company?

Tractors PK is one of the best tractor dealers that offer Brand New Massey Ferguson Tractors for Sale in African countries especially in Botswana, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda, Cameroon, Angola, Algeria, South Sudan, Mozambique, etc.

Massey Ferguson Tractors for Your Farm Improvement

What is the best Massey Ferguson tractor?

Tractors are important to a farmer and his field because it is the tractor that makes work easier, simpler, and quicker in all aspects. Massey Ferguson is the world’s largest seller of tractors and is a company that was initially based in Canada but after it was purchased by AGCO, its headquarters shifted to the USA. These machines are heavy-duty and made to last long; even the used tractors of this company are reliable and never cause any disappointment. We have made a selection of three tractors which are known to be the best at their job and are also popular among farm-owners.

Massey Ferguson MF-240 Tractor

The MF-240 in its sparkling red color is a classic looking tractor which has a horsepower of 50. It is capable of carrying out everyday duties around the farm as it is provided with accessories that help attach almost any implements to it. This one machine is cost-effective, sturdy and one of the best when it comes to any difficult task.

Oxen to machinery Oxen to machinery

Massey Ferguson MF-360 Tractor

This is a medium tractor which has an increased horsepower of 60. This has been famous among medium to large farm owners since it is able to do heavier tasks faster than other counterparts. The MF-360 is a fine addition to the Massey Ferguson Tractor family. If the above two tractors are not what you are looking for and your need supersede their strengths too; then there is the option of the Massey Ferguson MF-360 tractor which is the biggest beast of the all. MF 360 mf 360 look

Massey Ferguson MF-385 Tractor

The biggest tractor of them all; this machine has a horsepower of 85 HP, it means that it has been made for carrying out strenuous work with ease. The tractor’s power ability when coupled with other exciting features and implements can really bolster your field work capability. Whether you purchase a new or used Massey Ferguson tractor these machines are bound to get the work done without any stoppages or gradual decay. Farmers have been satisfied by these tractors for a long time now and it has MF has become a name of quality and great agricultural equipment. Do not haste your decision but think properly before making the choice between going for a used tractor or a new one. Both decisions have their advantages and opportunity costs; so choose wisely and work with 100% satisfaction. MF 385 mf 385 pic

Used Tractors are Handy Working Beasts

Not just reasons but there are certain other things well which make used tractors a better option. Tractors are not only liked because of their greater tendencies of handling work but also because it has been associated with a really strong body. Most people often judge a tractor initially by its looks and a machine that has passed the test on the field in the past definitely becomes a better choice. People purchase new tractors as well because they have experience in purchasing them or simply because they have the cash to buy them with ease. However, normal farmers who are on a budget tend to go for used tractors which become an automatic choice because of the various advantages that have been discussed before.

Used ‘Tested’ Tractors

Most people opt for used tractors because they have been seriously tested on field. They feel they are more comfortable with tractors that have been used before since the farmers who have tried them can give a better feedback regarding the maintenance, use and flexibility of the machine. Farmers tend to understand used machines a lot more and this trust has built over the years.

tested tractor

Cost Oriented Decision-Making

In times of recession and economic problems, cost has become the sole most important factor in the decision of buying almost about anything. Farmers mostly are on a tight budget and their financial base is normally not that strong; so simply in the end the decision making is based on cost. New tractors are definitely more costly as compared to used and the reasons are self-evident.

tractor design

Some other Factors

It is not just these two factors that force such decisions as buying used tractors but there are always certain things that also affect such things. Used of tractors helps reduce costs in terms of labor as well, people can simply reduce their farm’s expenditures by introducing tractors and technology in their agricultural mix. There is a slight psychological effect as well because farmers tend to trust used tractors more than new ones without any particular reason. Buying new tractors is not at all a bad decision either and people must be cent percent sure about the features and other details of the tractor in question. As for used tractors, they have used beasts but people must take care of their purchase. Tractors PK is a fine providers of tractors worldwide with major focus on the African Market. You can visit our website as well.

Mechanized Farming in Africa

Mechanized Farming is a mechanical process of agriculture farming with the help of powered machines such as tractors, trucks, combine harvester, and implements. It helps makes quickly executing tasks in a few minutes with extreme efficiency and ease of labor operation. Massey Ferguson Tractors

Which animals are used for Ploughing?

Gone are the days when there were oxen carts used for ploughing on a large area of agriculture field which were to require extensive and exhaustive human labor for pulling carts forcefully all around the field. It was a 2-door bullock cart tied up with draught animals used for dragging on the field area.

How does modern machines make farming easy?

By the advent of the industrial revolution, manual farming was rapidly transformed into modern mechanized farming which is truly considered the future of agriculture farming. The latest technological era of today provides many easy and refined ways of mechanized agriculture farming with high powered compact tractors and harvesting machines for ease of farmers.

Pros and Cons of mechanized farming

The following are some of the Pros and Cons of mechanized farming for a better understanding of readers:

Benefits of Mechanized Farming

Enhanced Land Cultivation

The first and foremost benefit of mechanized farming is the enhancement of land cultivation with easy fertilization of barren soil. Modern farming equipment like tractors and harvesting machines are employed to easily cultivate a larger area of agricultural land with productive results.


Time-Saving is another valuable advantage of mechanized farming as this mechanical method of agriculture farming saves a lot of time which can be utilized in many other useful farming activities.

Cost of Saving

The Modern Use of mechanized farming has drastically reduced the cost of production with more revenue income for farmers. It helps enhances the level of quality of production with more productive yields and efficient farming operations.

Task Efficiency

Mechanized Farming has provided a lot of efficiency in executing tasks much faster in less period of time. It has increased soil productivity with more areas of land cultivation for farmers with effective results.

Irrigation and Transportation Facilities

The irrigation system has much improved now by means of tube wells for releasing water through proper channels of irrigated canals and eliminated water logging issues. Moreover, it has provided ease of transportation in carrying goods from a single place to another by means of tractors with other implements attachments.

Drawbacks of Mechanized Farming

Redundancy Of Labor

The biggest drawback of mechanized farming is that it has provided redundancy in labor jobs by taking over all manual tasks by transforming them with machine-operated tasks execution. There is a huge increasing rate of agricultural unemployment in many underdeveloped countries of the world which is becoming a serious cause of poverty.

Higher Cost of Machinery

Modern Machinery is much high priced which are beyond the reach of poor farmers to buy them due to which cost of production is also increased. Some other issues are the unavailability of skilled labor who has proper technical knowledge about operating this advanced farming machinery. Mechanized Farming has more advantages than disadvantages as it provides relief to farmers with ease and efficiency in performing farming chores in a much faster way with an increase of soil productivity and rising income for farmers for a better way of living.

Modern Technological Trends in Agriculture Productivity Growth

modern technological trends in Agriculture Trends in agriculture productivity growth is a transition journey of oxen cart manual labor farming with a shift to mechanized and modern industrial farming practices. By Scientific Means, agriculture productivity is defined as a calculated ratio of output to input. The increase of productivity in farming means more production of food and more prosperity for farmers to earn a better livelihood. Agriculture is the largest source of producing and supplying food to the mass majority of the world population. On a global scale, it has witnessed a significant rise in terms of technological advancement for the purpose of making tasks easier for farmers and help increase the level of productivity with fertile soil cultivation to help yield healthy organic crops. In the modern era of innovation, there has been a fast-paced productivity growth in agriculture which is essentially beneficial for an abundant supply of food for customers. There are many regions of the world where there is a rising variation trend in agriculture farming productivity such as Africa, the Caribbean, Asia, Oceania, and the Pacific. To determine the productivity growth in farming, Total Factor Productivity is the best ratio which is generally evaluated by dividing output by the calculated average of labor and capital input. The two of the most essential elements of total factor productivity are technology growth and efficiency. The latest trends in Agriculture Productivity Growth are mechanization, high yielding crop varieties, genetic engineering, and bio-crop diversity.


Mechanization has put a profound impact on agriculture by dynamically transforming the traditional oxen cart driven farming into machine operated farming practices. It has provided a true means of multitasking efficiency in executing complex hours of manual labor tasks in a much less time period. Moreover, it provides ease of soil fertility to make it soften for maximum yield crop cultivation.

High Yield Crop Varieties

High Yield Crop Varieties are essential productivity factors to help produce more variety of crops for the maximum amount of food supply. These factors involve higher crop yield per hectare, improved fertilizers, and irrigation. The highest yielding variety of crops are wheat, corn, soybean, rice, potato, and cotton.

Genetic Engineering

Genetic Engineering is a new trend of increasing productivity growth in agriculture by means of DNA Genes to reproduce more genetically modified crops with having the same attributes and nutritional value for a healthy food diet. It helps in diversifying the food crop for an abundance of the global food supply in the entire world.

Bio Crop Diversity

Bio Crop Diversity provides diverse varieties of crops with better nutrition for customers. It is a vital factor for fulfilling the rising demand for food in the world by organically growing more variations of seed crops with the same set of qualities. With the new evolution of science and technology, modern technological trends will keep coming up to help enhance the maximum productive capacity of soil by using less labor effort to yield a healthy organic cultivated crop for an enormous amount of healthy nutrition enriched natural food production for people all over the world.

Tractors PK is Now the Official Tractors Supplier for Official Tractors Supplier for
*Today is a great day!* we want to celebrate with YOU! We, Tractors PK, are happy to announce a roaring success; one of the leading Japanese exporter of vehicles and a reliable brand in all over Africa, “Car Junction Japan“, has selected Tractors PK as its sole supplier for brand new Massey Ferguson and New Holland Tractors. This association proves that is a dependable source of quality services in the field of Agricultural tractors and implements. We are glad to welcome a huge clientele of CarJunction and we will make sure that we will meet the high standard of product and services and work on the same footings as CarJunction. Do Follow us as we will be announcing some great offers in the days to follow the result of this collaboration. Thank you Car Junction for your trust in us!

Difference between 2WD vs 4WD Tractor

2WD vs 4WD Tractors

What is a Tractor?

A tractor is an agriculture farming vehicle designed for the purpose of mechanization of field tasks by farmers. It helps performs a huge variety of difficult tasks to get simplified for farmers with an ease of execution such as tilling, plowing, harrowing, disking, and planting. Modern Tractors are basically categorized into single axle or 2 wheel drive tractors and two axles 4 wheel drive tractors. Let us describe the sheer difference between these two kinds of compact tractors:

2 Wheel Drive Tractor

2-Wheel Drive Tractor is generally used in dry farming conditions as well as for the purpose of field farming transportation. It is operated with a self-powered and propelled single axle which can easily carry all different kinds of attached farming implements such as trailer, cultivator, seeders, and harvesters. These kinds of tractors are capable of dragging various types of implements in agriculture production including rotary tiller, mouldboard ploughs, disc ploughs, rotary tillers, seeders, and transplanters. It usually comes with a specified range of 5 hp to 200 hp and utilizes most of the weight on the rear axle for increased traction. The key benefit of having a 2-wheel drive tractor is a small turning cycle, ease of design, and affordable purchase value for farmers. The disadvantage of a 2-wheel drive tractor is the incapability to perform in wet, slippery, and muddy conditions.

4 Wheel Drive Tractor

4 Wheel Drive Tractor is a robust and rugged designed tractor vehicle ideal for its dynamic movement of all four wheels and provides increased tractors with a huge pulling capacity of the wide variety of attached implements. It helps provides ease of cultivation in less time period by reducing manual labor and per capital cost. It also provides high fuel-efficiency with less wear and tear of tires and carries the maximum load by balancing weight in equal proportions on front and rear axles with stable steering control and maximum pulling power. It is an excellent choice for farmers to provide a smooth drive in all kinds of harsh conditions. Comparison, it is concluded that 4-Wheel Drive is much better and efficient in terms of performance and provides quicker farming results in less time. It provides greater flexibility of operations with implements attachments for maximum traction for farmers to yield excellent productivity in agriculture farming.

History of New Holland Tractors

New Holland is an internationally acclaimed agriculture farming equipment brand that specializes in a wide range of farming tractors, combine harvesters, balers, and forage harvesters. It also manufactures seeding machines, haying tools, and self-propelled sprayers with construction equipment. It has an outstanding historic background spanning 123 years with a huge celebration of a global successful market presence reaching over 170 countries worldwide including Northern America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle Eastern region.

The history of New Holland was dated back to 1895 by the young man Abram Zimmerman initially founded the New Holland Machine Company by purchasing a horse barn in New Holland, Pennsylvania. At the young age of 26, he established his new business of blacksmith shop with a positive aim to manufacture and repair farm machinery for all the local farmers. Abe Zimmerman was a mechanical genius person who provided an extreme sense of innovation in machinery equipment by bringing fresh ideas such as the retailing of the German Ottoman four-cycle engine and later single-cylinder dual-fly wheel stationary engine known as Columbus. He also brought a prototype idea of manufacturing his own freeze-proof light-weight stationary engine and incorporated the New Holland Machine Company in the year 1903. The New Holland Machine Company produced many different kinds of horsepower stationary engine models with a range of ½ hp, 1 ½ hp, 2hp, 4 hp, and 5 hp, to 16 hp engine.

The current innovation is hydrogen and methane-powered productive range of tractors for energy independent farming with renewable fuel for an emission-free clean eco-friendly environment. It will provide better soil management and valuable control of water resources. The Case New Holland (CNH) is the latest merger of Case Corporation and New Holland which occurred on November 12, 1999. Case Corporation was founded by Jerome Increase Case in 1842 by the name of J.I Case Threshing Company. It was considered as one of the largest manufacturers of threshing machines and harvest equipment which also produced steam engines, self-propelled portable engines, traction engines, and steam tractors.

Today, Case CE and IH are two distinctive construction and agriculture equipment manufacturer brands with a globally recognized presence in the world. Pakistan has huge market demand for New Holland Tractors for agriculture farmers due to their durability, reliability, and versatility to perform all kinds of tasks with ease of farming operations. Al-Ghazi is the authorized name for distributing all range models of New Holland tractors locally and globally. It has a vast product line of NH 480 Power Steering, NH 480 S, NH 640, 640 S, New Holland 55-56, 60-56, and New Holland 70-56 (4WD). These tractors have a range of 55-85 horsepower capacity.

History of Massey Ferguson Tractors

Massey Ferguson is the world’s leading brand name in supplying top-quality agriculture farming equipment to consumers around the globe. It supplies a wide range of farm tractors and implements attachments to customers at better value prices and has become an ideal choice among small and large-sized farmers for its long-term durability and uncompromising quality. It also provides agricultural advice and specialized training to all farmers. It has a long successful history of 170 years and still keeping on to mark its true presence with a profound reputation in the farming industry for many years to come. Let’s peep inside to have a keen look at the glorious historic background era of Massey-Ferguson to share some interesting stories.

It all began in 1847 when Daniel Massey an American blacksmith businessman opened up a small workshop to manufacture simple farm implements in New Castle. He initially started with assembling parts and gradually after a period of time began designing his own equipment. His oldest son also joined the family-run business and shifted the location to Ontario, Canada where it flourished and expanded to become a multi-national farm equipment manufacturing company as what it is popularly known today. In 1993, Massey Ferguson was officially acquired by Allis-Gleaner Corporation popularly known as Agco.

It is a company formed in the year 1990 and represents five international agriculture equipment manufacturing brands named as Challenger, Fendt, GSI, Massey Ferguson, and Valtra. It offers a varied product line of tractors, combines, hay tools, sprayers, forage, tillage equipment, and parts. For the sake of innovative technology, it offers precision agriculture farming and mixed fleet farming operations to help increase yield productivity and productivity for all farmers around the world.

Which tractors are made in Pakistan?

The telemetry-based tracking system provides instant real-time machinery fleet tracking and helps in remote farming activities with a GPS Satellite System for better-optimized results for customers. In Pakistan, Massey Ferguson is distributed by Millat Tractor Group which is providing its service of excellence since 50 years. It deals with all range of 50 to 85 horsepower Massey Ferguson brand tractors and all attached agriculture farming implements such as a chisel, disc, and mould plough, tine tillers, offset disc harrow, front blade, agriculture loader, hydraulic tipping trolleys, jib crane, a post hole digger, lawnmower, and pneumatic pruning set for farmers in Pakistan and abroad for global countries.