Benefits of Organic Farming

Organic Farming

Organic Farming is defined as a healthy way of growing crops by means of natural fertilizing such as compost and green manure. It requires a complete life cycle process of soil cultivation, optimum water resource utilization, animal husbandry, pest and weed management, recycling of waste crops, biodiversity, and drought-resistant crops. It provides a beneficial reason for healthy nutritious food production in a natural way. It helps builds good fertility of the soil by the help of crop rotation, mulching, and mechanical tillage to soften a soil surface to make it absorb more nutrients by proper combination of air, water, and sunlight which are all considered as core essential ingredients for naturally grown crops. Following are the five benefits of organic farming practices:

  • Enhanced Productivity of Soil
  • Organic Pest Control
  • Bio Crop Diversity
  • Soil Water Conservation
  • Better Food Nutrition

Enhanced Productivity of Soil

One of the major benefits of organic farming has enhanced the productivity of soil as it helps increases the maximum fertility of the soil with enriched nutritional value for a healthy clean diet food for everyone. Organic Soil Management is a vital factor in increasing the natural productive value of the soil by having a balanced mix of organic matters such as green manures and recycled waste. Rotation of crops and tilling are the best cultivating practices for mixing nutrients into the soil for growing healthy yield crops.

Organic Pests Control

Pests are harmful insects that quickly destroy agricultural field crops. Farmers often use various pesticide sprays for preventing crops from being damaged. Biological pest control is the natural way of controlling pests which is based on natural mechanisms like predation, parasitism, and herbivore, etc. It provides three kinds of pest control strategies such as importation, augmentation, and conservation.

Bio Crop Diversity

Bio Crop Diversity is a diversification of agricultural crops to reproduce more different crops by means of genetic engineering. It is a genetic science that consists of DNA Genes to produce crops with similar attributes with better nutrition. The core purpose is to fulfill the requirement of the scarcity of food in the world to do more eco-friendly genetic seed crop plantation.

Soil Water Conservation

Soil Water Conservation is an essential factor of conserving water for better soil management for healthy crop farming. Drip Irrigation is the best way to save water is to create small micro-irrigation canals to help store a sufficient amount of water for fertilizing a deep root soil. Drought Resistant Crops are another beneficial way to help save water and also prevent soil erosion.

Better Food Nutrition

Food Nutrition is an essential element which provides enrichment of proteins, vitamins, and minerals for the healthy nourishment of human being.  Organic farming is the main source of producing high-value nutritious crops for a delicious and tasty food diet for everyone. Organic farming provides countless advantages for a healthier and safer eco-friendly living environment for farmers to cultivate natural yield crops to have a fertile productive sustainable soil condition.

Agriculture and Climate Change

Agriculture is an essential source of producing and supplying food to the mass majority of people from the rural to the urban cities of the world. It involves a complete process of mechanized field tractor farming on a small and large area of arable land such as fertilizing, irrigating, crop rotating, seed planting, and crop harvesting, etc. This whole process requires a suitable amount of climate and weather conditions for organically growing field crops as a little bit change in climate can bring an unexpected disaster and badly damage field crops which can cause a huge financial loss for farmers with an increase in poverty and hunger. There is a strong relationship between agriculture and climate and a good combination of harmony can bring a positive change in flourishing agriculture all around the world because a majority of the countries today are entirely or partially dependent on a stable agriculture economy with a purpose to better fulfill the growing requirement of food and hunger on a global scale. The change of climate is caused by plenty of reasons such as global warming and greenhouse gas emissions. These two are major factors in depleting an ozone layer by widening a gap to emit harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun which is a real cause of changing weather conditions with increasing intensity of heat and cold in many parts of the world. The Greenhouse Gases include Carbon Di Oxide, Methane, and nitrous oxide which are extremely hazardous for environmental pollution and increase heat warming in the world. Deforestation is also a serious reason for climate change which can put negative impacts on the environment which can lead to adverse consequences for agriculture and badly damage yield crops such as excessive rainfall, drought, a rise in sea levels, melting of ice glaciers, and heavy stormwater cyclones. Tree plantation is the best remedy to reduce global warming as trees and forests provide a true shade in the heat and are helpful in generating an abundant source of fresh oxygen for a healthy eco-friendly environment. Organic farming is another beneficial way to help reduce global warming to the maximum extent and it also helps in producing natural healthy bio-diversity nutritious genetically modified food crops. GM Crops provide the best solution for tackling food security issues prevailing in the world by means of taking DNA Genes from plants to reproduce another plant of the same matching characteristics to help provide pest control and drought resistance with healthy fertile soil.

Organic and Non-Organic Farming

Organic and Non-Organic Farming are two completely different approaches in the agriculture farming industry which possess obvious differences between them. Organic Farming is a natural beneficial way of sustainable field crop farming which is highly essential for a healthy and eco-friendly environment to cultivate delicious nutritious vitamins and minerals enriched yield food crops for customers. It contains all essential factors such as green manure, composting, crop rotation, biological pest control, mulching, and intercropping. Non-Organic Farming is a harmful conventional way of quickly growing crops for the purpose of the increase in quantity in a short span of time. It employs all hazardous practices such as artificial synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides which provide severe damage to soil and make it less fertile to grow yield crops. The following are the comparative differences between organic and non-organic farming practices:

Crop Yield

Crop Yield is an essential factor to determine the amount of crop produced in an entire year of farming. The organic farming practice provides limitations of producing a larger quantity of crops due to the high nutritional value of soil. Conventional farming has the capability to produce maximum yield crops by means of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers to grow more crops in a less period of time.

Eco-Friendly Environment

The environment plays a vital role in better-nourished farming crops with good soil fertility. Organic farming is extremely beneficial for a healthy safer eco-friendly environment to help make fertile soil to produce nutrients enriched food crops. On the contrary, Conventional farming is really bad for the environment and causes adverse global effects like global warming and climate change which are disastrous for the farming industry.

Soil Health and Nutrition

Soil Health and Nutrition are core elements of farming which can result in better crop production with increased nutritional value.  Organic farming is a good practice for enhancing soil conditions with more productive fertility by means of crop rotation which helps cultivate fresh root-soil with mixed nutrients such as minerals and vitamins to provide delicious food crops for customers. On the other hand, Non-Organic farming destroys a soil condition with erosion and makes soil much dry and barren with the use of chemicals leaving no more chance of land cultivation for many years. By comparing both of the above farming practices, we see more beneficial features in the organic way of farming in terms of health, environment, and food safety. It has now become a positive trend to shift to organic farming to have a healthy better lifestyle with homemade delicious diet food.

How to Do Organic Farming

Organic farming is a complete process of naturally growing, composting, fertilizing, and harvesting yield crops for farmers with storage, processing, packaging, and shipping. It is a healthy alternative in farming without the use of synthetic fertilizers and helps maintains soil fertility by properly rotating crops to mix the maximum amount of nutrients into the soil for a delicious food diet. Moreover, it also helps control weeds, pesticides, and diseases by using animal livestock husbandry techniques. It provides a complete procedure of natural farming which involves vermicompost soil which means the breakdown of vegetables and food waste. Green leaf manure is ideal for softening and fertilizing soil for good soil cultivation. It is included with green leaves, grass clipping, and mulch. It helps improve soil structure and also increases water holding capacity with an east reduction of weeds and pests. Soil Management is a process of managing and protecting the long-term fertility of soils by maintaining organic matter levels, encouraging soil biological activity, and careful mechanical intervention.   The following methods are used for organic farming:

Crop Rotation

Crop Rotation is the process of rotating and systematically planting of crops in an arranged order to help maintain nutrients in the soil. It also helps reduces soil erosion and prevents plant diseases and pests. It provides proper row by row root seed planting with improved soil structure and fertility for growing and harvesting all kinds of food crops.

Soil Composting

Soil Composing is an essential part of organic farming and a key ingredient for healthy organic soil. It is a process of decomposition and recycling of waste food particles for the purpose of soil enhancement by boosting nutrient value into the soil for excellent fertility.


Mulching is a covering layer on the surface of the soil to help conserve soil moisture, reduce weed growth, and improve the fertile health of the soil. Some of the essential mulching materials are weeds, crop residues, grass, cutting from hedges, and waste from agriculture processing.

Bio Fertilizer

Bio Fertilizer is an eco-friendly process of agro fertilization which is beneficial for organic farming as it contains dormant cells of microorganism means of fixing the availability of nutrients in the soil and causing improvement infertility of the soil.  It also maintains the natural habitat of soil by increasing yield crop by 20 percent and stimulates plant growth. Moreover, it can also help provide prevention against droughts and soil-borne diseases.

Food Shortage By 2050

Food Shortage has always been a critical issue in poor underdeveloped countries in which people are deprived of a single bite even today. As the population is currently rising at a fast pace, it will soon reach 9.7 billion by 2050. The majority of the world population is presently suffering from chronic hunger and facing an acute challenge to double food production growth capacity in order to properly meet the growing demand of people with a healthy nutritious diet.

Agriculture farming is a valuable source of growing quality crops and today’s Farmers are much worried about how to increase their per-acre land yield productivity for maximizing food production for feeding more and more people in the world.

Global food security is becoming a serious threat nowadays and we need to devise sustainable agriculture farming strategies to tackle this complicated issue. Famine is a commonly used term to exactly describe a large-scale huge amount of insufficiency of food which causes severe sickening conditions such as starvation and malnutrition among people.

Population and Poverty are inter-related factors that are the main causes of a shortfall of food in the world. It seems like a herculean task to reduce hunger and equally distribute food among 8 billion people which will rapidly increase to 11 billion by 2050. Food Aid Programs by United Nations are appreciable practices in order to feed deprived people to have a healthy nutritious diet. To grow maximum crops, there must be a large extended area of arable agriculture land which is highly difficult to access nowadays due to natural disasters, urbanization, land grabbing, and many other factors.

Land Productivity is also a definite cause of food shortage as most of the land is barren due to the shortage of water resources which are the main elements of fertile productive soil for yield crops. Wastage of Food also causes severe scarcity of food which is a common practice among people nowadays. The leftover food should not be wasted unless rotten and should be eaten up to avoid useless loss of food which can cause a serious deficit in the future. We can consume fresh food on daily basis in small quantities and not cook more excess food which cannot be eaten and go to waste. Almost 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year which is which could lead to a huge crisis in the future so we must overcome this wastage by utilizing leftover food in a useful way.

Climate and Agriculture are perfectly inter-related to each other as little variation in climate cause a strong impact on agriculture which requires better weather conditions for healthy crop production. Change in Climate is affected by certain harmful environmental factors such as greenhouse gases depleting the ozone layer and causing global warming which is a reason for intensifying heat and cold weather in the world. The rising temperature of heat is melting the arctic glaciers which are creating a natural disaster like floods and droughts in many countries of the world to ruin their agricultural land and badly destroy crops and livestock creating an acute shortage of food on a global level. Inorganic fertilizers and pesticides are also a major cause of climatic change which provides adverse effects on nature.

Mechanized Farming is a significant way to easily overcome food shortage because it helps in faster efficient farming techniques to produce more yield crops on a large area of arable land to get fertile productive results on an instant basis. It provides more land cultivation in less amount of time to help grow quality crops which provide feed for billions of people all around the world. It is a really wise option to adopt mechanized agriculture farming for maximizing yield crops and earning a better livelihood for farmers as it lessens the burden of labor with ease of farming operations.

Food Shortage is a global issue that is growing at a worrisome rate the need is to implement wise strategic practices to increase the amount of nutrition enriched food to feed 11 billion people with a bellyful healthy meal diet. In the modern technological era of today, it is utmost necessary to employ the latest innovative farming techniques to provide food abundance for a growing world population for a better healthy future tomorrow.

Different Types of Soils for Agriculture Farming

Soil plays an integral role in the entire process of farming which is to provide natural eco-friendly physical and biological environmental factors for living organisms such as air, moisture, temperature, and light. The core factor of soil is to provide the proper provision of food for all living species in the globe and basically made up of minerals, water, organic components, gases, and microorganisms. The major characteristics of the soil are food crop production, plant growth, aeration, habitat for animals, and also helps in better managing water and nutrient resources in agriculture farming.

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Types Of Soil In Agriculture Farming

There are 6 essential types of soils in agriculture farming, which will be discussed in detail as below:

Loamy Soil

Loamy Soil is made of a true combination of sandy, silty, and clay soil and considered the perfect choice for gardening cultivation. It easily absorbs and holds water with good fertility for vegetation due to the high amount of rich nutrients with easy passing through of air.  There are many popular vegetables and plant species that can be easily grown with loamy soil such as Tomatoes, Carrots, Potatoes, Roses, Marigolds, and Zinnias.

Sandy Soil

Sandy Soil is a dry kind of soil with having a nutrient deficiency and fast-draining capability with quick growth for plants and prevents them from root decay. It is basically composed of granular materials such as small powdery rock and mineral particles and ideal for crops such as watermelons, peaches, and peanuts. It is formed as a result of the decomposition of various kinds of rocks for instance granite, limestone, shale, and quartz. It is mostly found in warm climate regions as close to the sea and absorbs more heat and less moisture.

Silty Soil

Silty Soil is a fine combination of sand and clay and created by the chemical and physical weathering of rocks which are mainly composed of quartz and feldspar, and sedimentary rock such as silt-stone. It is considered as the highly fertile soil and can easily absorb water with a retaining capacity for a longer time. It is normally found close to the streams and rivers because of quickly carried with water with a hard crusty texture. It contains nutrients better for the cultivation of crops with better moisture for easy filling and draining purposes.

Clay Soil

Clay Soil is composed of finely grained smallest soil particles which do not allow deep penetration of air through them. It possesses a better absorbing capacity of water with more amount of nutrients ideal for the excellent growth of plants. The clay soil is also wet and dry, the wet soil is heavy and becomes difficult to cultivate, while dry clay soil is soft and smooth and easy for plantation. There are plenty of vegetables that are best grown in clay soil such as broccoli, red and green cabbage, cauliflower, potato, pea, and bean.

Peaty Soil

Peaty Soil is made up of organic decomposition of an assemblage of plants and mostly found in natural areas such as moors, bogs, and peat-lands. It is an acidic kind of soil that is dark brown in color because of the high amount of nutrients and water. It has the capability to keep well-growing plant roots and prevents them from rain and also prevents from plants diseases.

Chalky Soil

Chalky soil is a basic soil composed of calcium carbonate, lime, and rocks. It usually requires a lot of water and fertilizer with having a difficulty in the growth of plants due to a high level of alkaline properties with a deficiency of iron and magnesium. It also becomes dry in summers and not considered ideal for plantation. These Different Kinds of Soils provide a variation in terms of texture, color, and capability to hold water and nutrients for growing multiple varieties of vegetables and plants with ease and difficulty in cultivation.

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Future Of Agriculture Farming

Future of Agriculture is on the steady rise with a bright future ahead to foresee many technological advancements with better ways of organic farming. In the modern era of the 21st century, the world is moving on towards smart agriculture farming methods.

Smart Agriculture is a new sustainable approach to help increase the cultivation of agriculture crops, adopting modern techniques to protect the soil from the drastic climate fluctuation, and finding safer ways to eliminate harmful greenhouse emissions by means of planting forest trees to have a healthy green farming environment around the world. The core reason is to produce enormous food supply to meet the growing demand of the ever-increasing population and to eradicate vicious poverty.

Food Security is becoming an alarming need for human beings in the world to find ways to produce more variety of freshly grown fruits and vegetables to feed for millions of people in the world. Precision Agriculture is the new face of concept-based agriculture farming which will provide a true blend of advanced innovative technologies to help observe,  measure, and respond to both inter and intra-field variability in crops. Its main goal is to provide a decision support system for the entire farm management by means of optimizing returns on inputs by proper utilization of resources.  It is a modern technique being employed to provide ease to farmers in keeping up all records of their farm by means of data collection and implementing technology for better managing field crops such as global positioning system (GPS) and geographic information system (GIS).

The variable rate of farming equipment also will be helpful in all kinds of seeding and spreading functions. Some of the other emerging technologies will be robots, drones technology, satellite remote sensing, and the internet of things (IOT).

Role Of Tractor And Implements In Farming

Role of Tractor and Implements will be much higher in future of agriculture as these are the core elements in the flourishing of agriculture farming. In the modern era of technology, there will be more advanced tractors introduced with the versatility of performance and extreme level of efficiency to provide simplicity in easily executing complex kinds of farming tasks.

There will be many different varieties of tractors such as compact utility tractors, raw crop tractors, industrial tractors, garden tractors, and earth moving tractors. The electric drive, Zero-emission, and driverless autonomous tractors are the new innovation in field farming tractors which will be going to provide an extreme level of ease to farmers by fulfilling all tasks in an efficient and effective manner.

The demand for implements will also increase in future as they will help supplement tractors for a variety of functions with less effort and time for farmers. There will be a huge list of many valuable implements like combine harvesters, mowers, seed drill, sprayers, harrows, mouldboard plough, disc plough, chisel plough, cultivators, backhoe machine, front end and back end loaders.

Tractors and Implements will always play an integral role in maintaining a better condition of soil with better crop cultivation. Tractors.PK is the reputed name in supplying superior quality branded farming tractors with attached implements for efficient task performance.