History of Mechanized Farming

Mechanized Farming is a new way of a mechanical farming technique that uses tractor machines to cultivate the land and help lessen the burden of human labor effort. The latest era of innovation has provided rapid advancement in agriculture farming which has increased both efficiency and productivity.

Mechanized Farming Africa

Gone are the days when oxen carts were drawn on a huge area for the purpose of soil cultivation it used to require hours of exhausting manual effort to make a fertile productive land.

The history of mechanized farming was exactly introduced in 1700 when Jethro Tull, an agriculturist, invented a horse-drawn seed drill that used to sow seeds in neatly organized rows. This invention brought about a huge revolution in British agriculture and was considered a first mechanized device for farming. He also invented a horse-drawn hoe which was a versatile hand tool for both agriculture and horticulture used to perform various tasks with ease such as soil shaping, weeds removing, and harvesting root crops.

Another huge mechanized farming invention was the combined harvester introduced in the year 1880 which combines both thresher and reaper for better crop harvesting. With the advent of internal combustion tractors in the modern era of 1900 and the first tractor was introduced as ford tractor in 1917. This brought a dynamic revolution in the field of agriculture and reduced a lot of manual work by taking over the responsibility of handling farming operations.

Now tractors have become a vital need for every farmer to perform farming tasks to save time and effort with more efficiency and increased performance. Today agriculture farming has much simplified with no more complications in performing tasks with the latest machines like light and medium-duty tractors, trucks, combine harvesters, and farm implements to provide ease of labor and rise in productivity.

Global Warming And Its Effect On Farming

Global Warming is defined as a rise in the atmospheric temperature of the earth due to the change of climate which is seriously caused by greenhouse emissions and industrial pollutants. These greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and the burning of fossil fuel are core reasons in widening a gaping hole in the ozone layer which is causing the increase of intensity of sunlight heat on the planet.

The function of the ozone layer is to provide a protective shield that absorbs the ultra-violet radiation which passes through it to the earth. The cutting of trees (Deforestation) is also a prime reason for global warming in the world. Trees have gifted characteristics of absorbing harmful carbon and producing fresh oxygen for the necessary survival of human beings. Removal of trees will have an adverse impact on climate which will cause a drastic change in seasonal weather with the severity of heat and cold in many different countries and regions of the globe.

The worst effect of global warming would be a rise in sea levels, melting of ice glaciers, heavy rain, and snowfall, an increase in desert areas, droughts, and heavy flood storms. This will put a great impact on animal wildlife, human agriculture, forestry, water resources, and health.

Agriculture Farming will have a devastating effect on global warming as it will provide a disastrous situation of shortage of food supply. The land crops will be ruined for a reason of excessive rainfalls. It will create an inability to cultivate the land for plantation.

The food deficiency will provide a poor provision supply which will increase the extreme level of poverty in the world. The 3 to 5 degree Celsius global warming will be going to have a serious impact on agriculture farming with a decrease in yield crops, vegetation, and cultivation.

The continuous rise of temperature will cause a reduction in the nutritional value of food crops with a decrease in proteins and essential minerals in plant crops such as wheat, soybeans, and rice. This will also increase the number of pesticides to damage field crops.

Although global warming is providing a harmful effect on nature, there are some better ways to protect the world such as tree plantation and eco-friendly environment. The process of reforestation will surely provide a healthy environment by producing a good amount of oxygen and also provide green shade protection from direct heat and sunlight for a safer world. Waste recycling can also help make a clean and tidy eco-green environment to protect global warming in the world.

Massey Ferguson 360 Tractors

Massey Ferguson 360 is a solidly built and robust design multi-purpose tractor ideal for all kinds of agriculture activities like ploughing and crop cultivation. It offers a high demand and value for customers due to its catchy compelling looks. It is an extra power turbo tractor preferred and recommended by many farmers due to its increased fuel efficiency and a high-performance turbocharged diesel engine. The MF 360 has been designed with a heavy-duty box section adjustable front axle and support.

What engine is in a Massey Ferguson 360?

As for the performance, it provides a 60 horsepower maximum engine power capacity. MF 360 has been powered by a 3 cylinders direct-inject diesel engine for dynamic fuel performance. The T3 Diesel has been specifically designed for a powerful and forceful tractor pulling capacity. The dual high capacity fuel filters are much useful in fuel cleaning and oil refining. It provides both hand and foot engine throttle control for an easy regulating engine speed. It also provides hydraulic liquid functions like draft control, position control, response control, and a constant pumping system. The water-cooled oil-cooler effectively cools down the heated internal combustion engine for less fuel emission. Massey Ferguson 360 Tractor Massey Ferguson machineryIt provides a
sliding spur type transmission system consisting of eight forward gears and two reverse gears. All the manual gears are controlled by the dual-type clutch system. The MF 360 is installed with hydrostatic directional steering for easy and efficient movement. The rear axle and brakes include an oil-immersed multi-disc brake type with a hand-lever operated parking brake and a differential lock mechanical brake system.
MF 360 mf 360 lookThe well-
balanced powerful front and rear tires are extremely necessary elements to help pull and drag the tractor for better farming results. Some other added tractor accessories are sun canopy, drawbar, pintle hook, and front and rear weights. Tractors PK offers the most reliable and durable top-class export quality Brand New Massey Ferguson 360 Tractors for Sale at the optimum discounted prices. Alongside tractors, we also deal in all kinds of agricultural implements.
MF 360 mf 360 pic

Agriculture Tractors

Is Massey Ferguson tractors good for agriculture?

Agriculture is a very important part of every country and in this article, we will discuss why Massey Ferguson tractors are good for agriculture. When you purchase a Massey Ferguson tractor then you are buying a complete package because these tractors are perfectly capable of doing all kinds of work and the owners of Massey Ferguson tractors are using them for their personal use, for example: when they have to transport heavy materials, machinery spare parts or goods they normally use their tractors. These tractors are also very good when you are trying to go to one village from another because their fuel efficiency is just that good and has comfortable seats and a smooth drive. However, Massey Ferguson tractors also have a way with agriculture as they do all the work like no other tractor and that is what we are here to discuss.

How do tractors help farmers?

Massey Ferguson tractors are without any doubt a blessing for the farmers, these tractors help the farmers to do all kinds of work very easily and therefore it has reduced the workload of the farmers. Many small businessmen cannot afford heavy tractors because they are very expensive that is why most of the businessmen and farmers prefer Massey Ferguson tractors which has all the features which are present in ordinary tractors and it also has the features which are present in other powerful tractors hence, it is a complete package.

Brand New MF-240 Tractors for sale

Importance of tractor in agriculture

When we talk about agriculture it is understood that the person is talking about heavy and difficult work which requires many peasants and workers. Massey Ferguson tractors reduce the workload and worker cost that’s why these tractors are ideal for small businessmen. Massey Ferguson tractors are a perfect blend of a stylish body and trendy design that can withstand all kinds of weather conditions no matter cold, hot or rainy.

New MF-360 tractors for sale new massey ferguson 360