Massey Ferguson Tractors are the Heart of Botswana Farms

The agriculture sector in Botswana faces substantial hindrances in light of food and energy crises as well as climate change that has rendered the rainfall to be quite low and variable. Arable production is a challenge for farmers across the country due to low productivity and erratic rainfall. The country’s government is working towards achieving a national development agenda that will translate environmental sustainability and poverty reduction through the introduction of expedient reforms in the agriculture sector.

Agriculture reforms introduced by the Botswana Government

The Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) of the Ministry of Agriculture aims to mechanize farming by increasing crop production through technological advancements.

The DAR works on providing adequate use of technology and machinery like the top-notch and brand new Massey Ferguson tractors to improve the sector’s performance.

The use of technological equipment in the agriculture sector of several countries has become a norm and by introducing Massey Ferguson agricultural tractors and its farm implements, production can be raised by implementing new and tested on-farm practices that require the use of this equipment.

The onslaught of innovation via technological equipment is an integral part of crop production throughout the world. In this regard, agricultural tractors from Pakistan have improved the style of farming by making work less strenuous and time-consuming for farmers. The Massey Ferguson tractors are equipped in such a way that is bound to achieve the country’s Green Economy agenda and assist the government in the reimbursement of the country’s agriculture sector. Currently, agriculture contributes to only 3.0% of Botswana’s GDP. An emphasis on crop production through heavy-duty equipment will bring a promising boost to the country’s diverse agricultural needs.

These heavy-duty machines carry out essential and prime farming tasks and are long-lasting and durable. The MF tractors are known to be reliable no matter how old and used they may be. Everyday tasks are made hassle-free and handy due to their diverse exciting features that require an attachment of various implements that can perform fertilization, plowing, cultivation, harvesting, etc.

Botswana’s goal of sustainable development can be achieved by using these powerful tractors that are bound to bolster the agriculture sector’s productivity. The MF tractors can be exported from Pakistan and from local tractor dealers in Botswana.

The use of Massey Ferguson tractors can yield optimal returns no matter how small a farm maybe. You can get your hands on high horsepower to low horsepower durable engines of Massey Ferguson tractors at Tractors PK.

Usage of Massey Ferguson Tractors in Fiji

The agriculture sector of Fiji has been its economy’s backbone for more than a decade. However, due to a gradual decrease of interest in farming and a shift of focus to other industries, the contribution of the agriculture sector to the national GDP has declined significantly from 20% to about 16%.

260 turbo massey ferguson

Mechanization of the Agriculture Sector in Fiji

Mechanization of this sector plays a key role in the resuscitation and sustenance of this industry.

After Fiji’s independence, the industrial sector saw an introduction of large farm equipment, that is, agricultural tractors, in order to enhance this sector’s development. The Native Land Development Corporation (NLDC) and Ministry of Agriculture undertook large-scale mechanization practices by bringing about four-wheel-drive brand new tractors and related equipment to benefit the industry.

The end of the last century witnessed the launch of more sophisticated equipment to initiate modern farming. However, a lack of research and evaluation of the required equipment was a factor that led to the downfall of NLDC and the ministry’s mechanization priorities faced a major setback.

Modern Farming in Fiji

Farm mechanization must be entertained in Fiji in order to make the agriculture sector economically viable. This can be done through the usage of heavy-duty machinery like agricultural tractors with farm implements that ensure higher yields in terms of export earnings. But due to a lack of government encouragement in recent years, the Fiji farmers have been struggling to transform from traditional farming techniques to modern farming.

Mechanization of agriculture offers several benefits such as reduced dependency on physical power and labor, maximum profitability, riddance of draught animals from farms, and employment opportunities for repair workshops, spare parts dealers, etc.

As the farmers are used to draught animals to perform farming activities, they lack the basic skills required to operate new equipment such as tractors. An awareness program will bring about enhanced productivity through knowledge and adaptation. Hence, farm mechanization is the only way forward to make a remarkable improvement in Fiji’s agriculture sector. It will also encourage the new and young generation to play their part in the agriculture sector of the country and make a dynamic shift in the country’s GDP. Modern farming can prove to be beneficial in many ways, such as:

  • Satisfactory preparation of heavier soils
  • Timelier land preparation
  • Better pest control measures
  • A decrease in drudgery
  • Avoiding harvesting losses
  • Farm labour substitution
  • Enhanced economic yields

Currently, only 10% of farms in Fiji use tractors. The government can implement measures to import Massey Ferguson tractors from Pakistan to aid its mechanization policies.

Massey Ferguson tractors along with their diverse farm implements will mechanize the process of farming activities like ploughing, tilling, landscape maintenance, spreading fertilizers, planting fields, etc.

Most farmers around the world choose Massey Ferguson tractors from Pakistan as made available by local tractor dealers in Fiji, as they are a name of quality and a handy agricultural assistant when needed. Its advantages outweigh the costs and guarantee 100% satisfaction by bolstering the yield capacity of farms considerably.

The Massey Ferguson tractors are available for sale at Tractors PK.

Role of Massey Ferguson Tractors In Modern Agriculture

Massey Ferguson Tractors while using Modern Farming
Massey Ferguson Tractors Ploughing with Disc Plough

1.   The Use of Tractors in Modern Farming

When we compare old farming techniques with modern farming methods, the use of tractors is the first thing that comes to our minds. Tractors have made the lives of farmers easier and simpler than before.

In today’s world, a farm without a tractor is skeptically looked upon and considered just a garden. Real farming simply cannot happen without the use of tractors.

A tractor in its basics is used for hauling compost loads and tilling crops.

Farmers used to do this work by hand but tractors do it in half the time or even less. There can be no doubt that tractors come in handy for both industrial size and small size farming.

The chief purpose of a tractor may be to pull farm machinery, but it can also work to perform other farming activities by attaching various implements.

It is safe to say that the purchase of tractors is a common sense thing nowadays. Its usage has freed millions of farmers who used to be completely absorbed in agriculture and has fundamentally altered the nature of farming, from plouging to planting, to cultivating and harvesting. Farmers also use it as a means of personal transportation or for hauling materials from one site to another.

Effective tractors have replaced human effort

Massey Ferguson is the largest tractor company in the world. It is known widely for its heavy-duty tractors that are accepted to last long and be reliable.

Like any other tractor, a Massey Ferguson tractor carries out everyday farming duties efficiently and is considered the best when it comes to being sturdy and cost effective.

When these tractors are attached with efficient accessories and implements, they can boost your working capabilities prominently.

It does not matter whether your Massey Ferguson (MF) tractor is used or new, it will perform its duties without any delay or a gradual decay.

Deciding to purchase a new or a used tractor comes entirely with its fair sets of opportunity costs and benefits so it is wise to make the decision according to your own specific requirements.

2.   Massey Ferguson Tractors Help Address Modern Agricultural Challenges

The farming community in any part of the world is coming up with modern agriculture methods on a consecutive basis by carrying out research in order to contribute to their country and double their profits.

Farmers all around the world have transitioned to modern farming from their old and traditional ways and are not hesitant to use modern machinery.

The use of agriculture tractors is inevitable and the Massey Ferguson tractors will double your profits due to their durability and unmatched quality. These tractors are easy to maintain and come in various models to support a variety of farming needs. These high-power vehicles are an impressive addition to your farm, serving unique purposes.

The MF tractors come in utility, compact, mid-range, sub-compact, and high horsepower range. A good tractor is rated according to its design, durability, warranty, reliability, performance, productivity and longevity. An MF tractor is value for money as it is rated as the best by millions of farmers around the world. Even the MF utility tractors are mistaken for high horsepower tractors due to their efficiency.

Fuel efficiency is also a plus as these tractors consume minimal fuel and give superior performance. Hence, a Massey Ferguson tractor is an investment worth making.

Used Tractors are Handy Working Beasts

Not just reasons but there are certain other things well which make used tractors a better option. Tractors are not only liked because of their greater tendencies of handling work but also because it has been associated with a really strong body. Most people often judge a tractor initially by its looks and a machine that has passed the test on the field in the past definitely becomes a better choice. People purchase new tractors as well because they have experience in purchasing them or simply because they have the cash to buy them with ease. However, normal farmers who are on a budget tend to go for used tractors which become an automatic choice because of the various advantages that have been discussed before.

Used ‘Tested’ Tractors

Most people opt for used tractors because they have been seriously tested on field. They feel they are more comfortable with tractors that have been used before since the farmers who have tried them can give a better feedback regarding the maintenance, use and flexibility of the machine. Farmers tend to understand used machines a lot more and this trust has built over the years.

tested tractor

Cost Oriented Decision-Making

In times of recession and economic problems, cost has become the sole most important factor in the decision of buying almost about anything. Farmers mostly are on a tight budget and their financial base is normally not that strong; so simply in the end the decision making is based on cost. New tractors are definitely more costly as compared to used and the reasons are self-evident.

tractor design

Some other Factors

It is not just these two factors that force such decisions as buying used tractors but there are always certain things that also affect such things. Used of tractors helps reduce costs in terms of labor as well, people can simply reduce their farm’s expenditures by introducing tractors and technology in their agricultural mix. There is a slight psychological effect as well because farmers tend to trust used tractors more than new ones without any particular reason. Buying new tractors is not at all a bad decision either and people must be cent percent sure about the features and other details of the tractor in question. As for used tractors, they have used beasts but people must take care of their purchase. Tractors PK is a fine providers of tractors worldwide with major focus on the African Market. You can visit our website as well.

Mechanized Farming in Africa

Mechanized Farming is a mechanical process of agriculture farming with the help of powered machines such as tractors, trucks, combine harvester, and implements. It helps makes quickly executing tasks in a few minutes with extreme efficiency and ease of labor operation. Massey Ferguson Tractors

Which animals are used for Ploughing?

Gone are the days when there were oxen carts used for ploughing on a large area of agriculture field which were to require extensive and exhaustive human labor for pulling carts forcefully all around the field. It was a 2-door bullock cart tied up with draught animals used for dragging on the field area.

How does modern machines make farming easy?

By the advent of the industrial revolution, manual farming was rapidly transformed into modern mechanized farming which is truly considered the future of agriculture farming. The latest technological era of today provides many easy and refined ways of mechanized agriculture farming with high powered compact tractors and harvesting machines for ease of farmers.

Pros and Cons of mechanized farming

The following are some of the Pros and Cons of mechanized farming for a better understanding of readers:

Benefits of Mechanized Farming

Enhanced Land Cultivation

The first and foremost benefit of mechanized farming is the enhancement of land cultivation with easy fertilization of barren soil. Modern farming equipment like tractors and harvesting machines are employed to easily cultivate a larger area of agricultural land with productive results.


Time-Saving is another valuable advantage of mechanized farming as this mechanical method of agriculture farming saves a lot of time which can be utilized in many other useful farming activities.

Cost of Saving

The Modern Use of mechanized farming has drastically reduced the cost of production with more revenue income for farmers. It helps enhances the level of quality of production with more productive yields and efficient farming operations.

Task Efficiency

Mechanized Farming has provided a lot of efficiency in executing tasks much faster in less period of time. It has increased soil productivity with more areas of land cultivation for farmers with effective results.

Irrigation and Transportation Facilities

The irrigation system has much improved now by means of tube wells for releasing water through proper channels of irrigated canals and eliminated water logging issues. Moreover, it has provided ease of transportation in carrying goods from a single place to another by means of tractors with other implements attachments.

Drawbacks of Mechanized Farming

Redundancy Of Labor

The biggest drawback of mechanized farming is that it has provided redundancy in labor jobs by taking over all manual tasks by transforming them with machine-operated tasks execution. There is a huge increasing rate of agricultural unemployment in many underdeveloped countries of the world which is becoming a serious cause of poverty.

Higher Cost of Machinery

Modern Machinery is much high priced which are beyond the reach of poor farmers to buy them due to which cost of production is also increased. Some other issues are the unavailability of skilled labor who has proper technical knowledge about operating this advanced farming machinery. Mechanized Farming has more advantages than disadvantages as it provides relief to farmers with ease and efficiency in performing farming chores in a much faster way with an increase of soil productivity and rising income for farmers for a better way of living.

Benefits of Organic Farming

Organic Farming

Organic Farming is defined as a healthy way of growing crops by means of natural fertilizing such as compost and green manure. It requires a complete life cycle process of soil cultivation, optimum water resource utilization, animal husbandry, pest and weed management, recycling of waste crops, biodiversity, and drought-resistant crops. It provides a beneficial reason for healthy nutritious food production in a natural way. It helps builds good fertility of the soil by the help of crop rotation, mulching, and mechanical tillage to soften a soil surface to make it absorb more nutrients by proper combination of air, water, and sunlight which are all considered as core essential ingredients for naturally grown crops. Following are the five benefits of organic farming practices:

  • Enhanced Productivity of Soil
  • Organic Pest Control
  • Bio Crop Diversity
  • Soil Water Conservation
  • Better Food Nutrition

Enhanced Productivity of Soil

One of the major benefits of organic farming has enhanced the productivity of soil as it helps increases the maximum fertility of the soil with enriched nutritional value for a healthy clean diet food for everyone. Organic Soil Management is a vital factor in increasing the natural productive value of the soil by having a balanced mix of organic matters such as green manures and recycled waste. Rotation of crops and tilling are the best cultivating practices for mixing nutrients into the soil for growing healthy yield crops.

Organic Pests Control

Pests are harmful insects that quickly destroy agricultural field crops. Farmers often use various pesticide sprays for preventing crops from being damaged. Biological pest control is the natural way of controlling pests which is based on natural mechanisms like predation, parasitism, and herbivore, etc. It provides three kinds of pest control strategies such as importation, augmentation, and conservation.

Bio Crop Diversity

Bio Crop Diversity is a diversification of agricultural crops to reproduce more different crops by means of genetic engineering. It is a genetic science that consists of DNA Genes to produce crops with similar attributes with better nutrition. The core purpose is to fulfill the requirement of the scarcity of food in the world to do more eco-friendly genetic seed crop plantation.

Soil Water Conservation

Soil Water Conservation is an essential factor of conserving water for better soil management for healthy crop farming. Drip Irrigation is the best way to save water is to create small micro-irrigation canals to help store a sufficient amount of water for fertilizing a deep root soil. Drought Resistant Crops are another beneficial way to help save water and also prevent soil erosion.

Better Food Nutrition

Food Nutrition is an essential element which provides enrichment of proteins, vitamins, and minerals for the healthy nourishment of human being.  Organic farming is the main source of producing high-value nutritious crops for a delicious and tasty food diet for everyone. Organic farming provides countless advantages for a healthier and safer eco-friendly living environment for farmers to cultivate natural yield crops to have a fertile productive sustainable soil condition.

Modern Technological Trends in Agriculture Productivity Growth

modern technological trends in Agriculture Trends in agriculture productivity growth is a transition journey of oxen cart manual labor farming with a shift to mechanized and modern industrial farming practices. By Scientific Means, agriculture productivity is defined as a calculated ratio of output to input. The increase of productivity in farming means more production of food and more prosperity for farmers to earn a better livelihood. Agriculture is the largest source of producing and supplying food to the mass majority of the world population. On a global scale, it has witnessed a significant rise in terms of technological advancement for the purpose of making tasks easier for farmers and help increase the level of productivity with fertile soil cultivation to help yield healthy organic crops. In the modern era of innovation, there has been a fast-paced productivity growth in agriculture which is essentially beneficial for an abundant supply of food for customers. There are many regions of the world where there is a rising variation trend in agriculture farming productivity such as Africa, the Caribbean, Asia, Oceania, and the Pacific. To determine the productivity growth in farming, Total Factor Productivity is the best ratio which is generally evaluated by dividing output by the calculated average of labor and capital input. The two of the most essential elements of total factor productivity are technology growth and efficiency. The latest trends in Agriculture Productivity Growth are mechanization, high yielding crop varieties, genetic engineering, and bio-crop diversity.


Mechanization has put a profound impact on agriculture by dynamically transforming the traditional oxen cart driven farming into machine operated farming practices. It has provided a true means of multitasking efficiency in executing complex hours of manual labor tasks in a much less time period. Moreover, it provides ease of soil fertility to make it soften for maximum yield crop cultivation.

High Yield Crop Varieties

High Yield Crop Varieties are essential productivity factors to help produce more variety of crops for the maximum amount of food supply. These factors involve higher crop yield per hectare, improved fertilizers, and irrigation. The highest yielding variety of crops are wheat, corn, soybean, rice, potato, and cotton.

Genetic Engineering

Genetic Engineering is a new trend of increasing productivity growth in agriculture by means of DNA Genes to reproduce more genetically modified crops with having the same attributes and nutritional value for a healthy food diet. It helps in diversifying the food crop for an abundance of the global food supply in the entire world.

Bio Crop Diversity

Bio Crop Diversity provides diverse varieties of crops with better nutrition for customers. It is a vital factor for fulfilling the rising demand for food in the world by organically growing more variations of seed crops with the same set of qualities. With the new evolution of science and technology, modern technological trends will keep coming up to help enhance the maximum productive capacity of soil by using less labor effort to yield a healthy organic cultivated crop for an enormous amount of healthy nutrition enriched natural food production for people all over the world.

Tractors PK is Now the Official Tractors Supplier for Official Tractors Supplier for
*Today is a great day!* we want to celebrate with YOU! We, Tractors PK, are happy to announce a roaring success; one of the leading Japanese exporter of vehicles and a reliable brand in all over Africa, “Car Junction Japan“, has selected Tractors PK as its sole supplier for brand new Massey Ferguson and New Holland Tractors. This association proves that is a dependable source of quality services in the field of Agricultural tractors and implements. We are glad to welcome a huge clientele of CarJunction and we will make sure that we will meet the high standard of product and services and work on the same footings as CarJunction. Do Follow us as we will be announcing some great offers in the days to follow the result of this collaboration. Thank you Car Junction for your trust in us!

Difference between 2WD vs 4WD Tractor

2WD vs 4WD Tractors

What is a Tractor?

A tractor is an agriculture farming vehicle designed for the purpose of mechanization of field tasks by farmers. It helps performs a huge variety of difficult tasks to get simplified for farmers with an ease of execution such as tilling, plowing, harrowing, disking, and planting. Modern Tractors are basically categorized into single axle or 2 wheel drive tractors and two axles 4 wheel drive tractors. Let us describe the sheer difference between these two kinds of compact tractors:

2 Wheel Drive Tractor

2-Wheel Drive Tractor is generally used in dry farming conditions as well as for the purpose of field farming transportation. It is operated with a self-powered and propelled single axle which can easily carry all different kinds of attached farming implements such as trailer, cultivator, seeders, and harvesters. These kinds of tractors are capable of dragging various types of implements in agriculture production including rotary tiller, mouldboard ploughs, disc ploughs, rotary tillers, seeders, and transplanters. It usually comes with a specified range of 5 hp to 200 hp and utilizes most of the weight on the rear axle for increased traction. The key benefit of having a 2-wheel drive tractor is a small turning cycle, ease of design, and affordable purchase value for farmers. The disadvantage of a 2-wheel drive tractor is the incapability to perform in wet, slippery, and muddy conditions.

4 Wheel Drive Tractor

4 Wheel Drive Tractor is a robust and rugged designed tractor vehicle ideal for its dynamic movement of all four wheels and provides increased tractors with a huge pulling capacity of the wide variety of attached implements. It helps provides ease of cultivation in less time period by reducing manual labor and per capital cost. It also provides high fuel-efficiency with less wear and tear of tires and carries the maximum load by balancing weight in equal proportions on front and rear axles with stable steering control and maximum pulling power. It is an excellent choice for farmers to provide a smooth drive in all kinds of harsh conditions. Comparison, it is concluded that 4-Wheel Drive is much better and efficient in terms of performance and provides quicker farming results in less time. It provides greater flexibility of operations with implements attachments for maximum traction for farmers to yield excellent productivity in agriculture farming.

How to Do Organic Farming

Organic farming is a complete process of naturally growing, composting, fertilizing, and harvesting yield crops for farmers with storage, processing, packaging, and shipping. It is a healthy alternative in farming without the use of synthetic fertilizers and helps maintains soil fertility by properly rotating crops to mix the maximum amount of nutrients into the soil for a delicious food diet. Moreover, it also helps control weeds, pesticides, and diseases by using animal livestock husbandry techniques. It provides a complete procedure of natural farming which involves vermicompost soil which means the breakdown of vegetables and food waste. Green leaf manure is ideal for softening and fertilizing soil for good soil cultivation. It is included with green leaves, grass clipping, and mulch. It helps improve soil structure and also increases water holding capacity with an east reduction of weeds and pests. Soil Management is a process of managing and protecting the long-term fertility of soils by maintaining organic matter levels, encouraging soil biological activity, and careful mechanical intervention.   The following methods are used for organic farming:

Crop Rotation

Crop Rotation is the process of rotating and systematically planting of crops in an arranged order to help maintain nutrients in the soil. It also helps reduces soil erosion and prevents plant diseases and pests. It provides proper row by row root seed planting with improved soil structure and fertility for growing and harvesting all kinds of food crops.

Soil Composting

Soil Composing is an essential part of organic farming and a key ingredient for healthy organic soil. It is a process of decomposition and recycling of waste food particles for the purpose of soil enhancement by boosting nutrient value into the soil for excellent fertility.


Mulching is a covering layer on the surface of the soil to help conserve soil moisture, reduce weed growth, and improve the fertile health of the soil. Some of the essential mulching materials are weeds, crop residues, grass, cutting from hedges, and waste from agriculture processing.

Bio Fertilizer

Bio Fertilizer is an eco-friendly process of agro fertilization which is beneficial for organic farming as it contains dormant cells of microorganism means of fixing the availability of nutrients in the soil and causing improvement infertility of the soil.  It also maintains the natural habitat of soil by increasing yield crop by 20 percent and stimulates plant growth. Moreover, it can also help provide prevention against droughts and soil-borne diseases.