Maximum benefit can be obtained from the battery by following the instructions described below.
- The tractor battery should never be used without the ‘bracket’; otherwise the battery could be damaged. Secure the battery clips tightly.
- If there is white or blue substance on the battery terminals, wash the terminals with warm water and dry; and apply some petroleum jelly.
- Remove all Vent Plugs of the battery and then look in each cell to see whether the plates are submerged in the battery solution or not. If not, then fill with distilled water up to the ‘Max’ point.
- Before replacing the caps, check to make sure the Vent Holes on them are not closed; because the battery could be harmed if the holes are closed.
- Never use hammer or heavy object to push wire clamps on the terminals. Otherwise, the battery will be ruined very soon.
- The battery wires should never be loose. Otherwise, starting the tractor will be difficult.
- Replace the faulty wire and/or clamps
Often farmers leave the engine running during meal breaks when the battery is weak, which wastes a lot of diesel. The tractor battery should always be well charged, because high power is required to start the engine. If the battery does not have the required power, the engine starts with difficulty, which also wastes diesel.